Guiding teens and preteens to build resilience, emotional intelligence, and life skills that shape their future, while providing parents with the tools to support their children on this transformative journey.

I'd love to join this journey!

Supporting Teens, Empowering Futures

Welcome, my name is Jade Gooding.

Raising strong-willed or neurodivergent teens can feel overwhelmingā€”like you're navigating an endless maze of challenges, often feeling like you're doing it all alone. But you donā€™t have to.

My work is centered on empowering teens to build resilience, emotional intelligence, and life skills that will support them through life's toughest moments. With the right tools, your child can thrive, and you can breathe easier knowing theyā€™re receiving the guidance they need to grow and succeed.

You donā€™t have to do it all alone. Think of this website as the village that helps you raise a strong, capable child. You can provide them with the support they need without having to bear the weight of every challenge yourself.

Together, weā€™ll help your child discover their strengths, navigate the ups and downs, and create a path toward a brighter, more empowered future.

Ready to join me on this journey and give your child the tools they need to thrive?


I've been there....

Feeling overwhelmed, searching for solutions, and struggling to find a path forwardā€”for myself and for my family.

I know what itā€™s like to want the best for your child but feel lost in how to get there. Starting programs, giving up, reading books that offer hope but never following through, signing up for workshops but never finding the time, catching myself scrolling endlessly, and feeling guilty for not doing enough.

After years of trial and errorā€”balancing my own growth, family life, and supporting a neurodivergent childā€”Iā€™ve discovered a path to more purposeful, centered living. It's not always perfect, but we recover from lifeā€™s messy moments faster, and the bonds in our family are stronger as a result.

From being a single mom to navigating the challenges of raising a neurodivergent child, to facing my own health issues, Iā€™ve learned that thereā€™s always a way to keep growing, no matter the circumstances.

Now, Iā€™m shifting my focus to empowering teens, providing them with the tools they need to face life's challenges head-on. Iā€™ve seen firsthand how the right guidance can help children thrive, and how that can bring peace and relief to parents.

You donā€™t have to do it all. Let me be part of the support system for your childā€™s growth and resilience.



Discover the Power of 'Me Time': Masterclass

Doors are currently closed to this Transformational Masterclass. Join the waiting list.Ā 


FREE: Mindful Magic Morning Routine

A simple yet transformative way to prioritise yourself and set the tone for each day.


"Bond and Grow Board" Workshop

Deepen Your Connection: A Free "Bond and Grow Board" Workshop for Mothers and Daughters


Why You Should Join Me....

In a world where teens are facing increasing levels of anxiety, insecurity, and pressure, parents are often left wondering how to best support their children through it all. The truth is, you donā€™t have to have all the answers, and you donā€™t have to do it alone.

Your child deserves a future where they can thrive, and you can give them the tools to get there.

With the right guidance, teens can learn resilience, emotional intelligence, and the life skills they need to navigate their unique challenges. By joining me, youā€™re not just investing in your childā€™s growthā€”youā€™re giving them access to powerful tools and strategies that can help them handle whatever life throws their way.

We upgrade our phones and computers regularly, so why not invest in the personal growth of our children?

More and more parents are realising that providing their teens with life skills is the key to helping them thriveā€”not just now, but for the rest of their lives.

Through years of experience, Iā€™ve seen how the right support can help teens break negative cycles, gain confidence, and face the future with resilience. My mission is to help your child do just that, while also giving you peace of mind that they are in good hands.

"To say that I have learned a lot is an understatement! Jade has shared so much practical and emotional support for us as Mama's and as human beings evolving in our lives. This course has also validated for me the importance of having time to myself in order to become who I want to be as a person and as a mama. I would unreservedly recommend this course to any Mama's looking to personally evolve and grow in their lives. Thanks so much Jade xĀ "


"Jade teaches with so much openess, empathy, presence and enthusiasm, she is a delight to watch. Giving myself three months to focus on the Whole Of Me, is the most I have done for myself in the 7 years, since my children were born. I had amazing breakthroughs on my Soul level, Mind, Body and Mama. "


" I have really valued doing Jadeā€™s 12-week plan. I had not really been taking any ā€˜time for meā€™ and being encouraged to set realistic (and changeable!) goals and then made accountable for them has made a big positive impact on my life. Iā€™ve also learned a bunch of new tools that will make me a more effective parent; and Iā€™ve lost nearly a stone in the process, which wasnā€™t part of the original plan but I feel much better in my own skin and am delighted!"


I know it can be hard....

Mothering strong willed children in a conscious, kind and understanding way sometimes feels like it will break us and sometime it does.

I share my challenges and importantly what supports me through it, to support you to feel less alone and in hope that you will learn from my lessons.Ā 

From My Heart to Your Inbox: Navigating Motherhood, Unfiltered.

Fortnightly practical tips and inspirational advice, where real stories of triumph and trial illuminate the shared path of motherhood straight to your inbox.


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